Here is a list of publications and presentations by Hein Zegers (click to view list) compiled by the KU Leuven University library system Lirias.
Mental Health for International PhDs

Invited as well-being psychologist / speaker at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the largest university in Greece, to speak about ‘Mental Health for International PhDs’. Kudos to the whole Greydient Team for treating this relevant topic in such a constructive manner!
In een voetbalstadion…

Voor alles een eerste keer. Optreden in een voetbalstadion: check! (Gelukkig niet als voetballer, zo’n schabouwelijk spektakel wens ik niemand toe… ? )
European Conference on Positive Psychology
This year’s largest Positive Psychology event worldwide: the European Conference on Positive Psychology 2018, with almost 1000 participants. As board member of the European Network of Positive Psychology, I was partly involved in organizing this event, next to leading a few symposia.
Dag van de Coach: Moedig Minder
Lezing door Hein Zegers op de uitverkochte Dag van de Coach: ‘Moedig Minder, Versoberen van Zooikoorts naar Zin met de BASICS therapie’. Een greep uit de vele positieve reacties:
‘Zeer inspirerend en informatief!’
‘Wetenschap met humor’
‘Ontzettend boeiend , verrassend en goed.’
What makes you happy? A cross-cultural cross-disciplinary Nomadic Inquiry
Zegers, H. (2018). What makes you happy? A cross-cultural cross-disciplinary Nomadic Inquiry. Presentation at the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Leuven, February 6-9, 2018.
Dag van de Geestelijke Gezondheid: Lezing over geluk
‘Dank voor je fantastische lezing en je sympathieke aanwezigheid gisteren. Ik heb niets dan positieve reacties gehoord. Het is uitzonderlijk om een spreker te ontmoeten die zo “echt” is en oprechte interesse toont in andere mensen.’
(Reactie op een lezing over geluk die ik vandaag gaf in het kader van de Dag van de Geestelijke Gezondheid. Voor een extreem divers publiek: van beleidsmakers, gezondheidszorg-werkers tot de bewoners van een instelling voor mensen met een mentale beperking, samen in een zaal.)
BASICS & Essencing win ‘Avant-Garde Positive Clinical Intervention Challenge’
Zegers, H. & Verheyen, E. (2017). BASICS & Essencing as a Positive Psychology Clinical Intervention. Award-winning presentation at the World Conference on Positive Psychology 2017 in Montréal.
Voluntary Simplicity, Well-being and Meaning in Life. A Multilingual Empirical Study of 500+ People who Consciously Choose for Simple and Slow Living.
Zegers, H. (2017). Voluntary Simplicity, Well-being and Meaning in Life. A Multilingual Empirical Study of 500+ People who Consciously Choose for Simple and Slow Living. Podium Presentation at the 5th World Congress on Positive Psychology, Montréal, July 13-16, 2017.
Universiteit Maastricht Collegium Generale
Zegers, H. (2017). Van Zooikoorts naar Zin: kiezen voor sober geluk. Collegium Generale aan de Universiteit Maastricht, 13 april 2017.
Simple Living, Valued Living. ACBS World Conference – Berlin.
Zegers, H. (2015). Simple Living, Valued Living. An international study of Voluntary Simplicity and Psychological Flexibility. Presentation at the World Conference of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, 2015, Berlin.
Geluk en emoties: maakt streven naar geluk gelukkig?
Zegers, H. (2014). Geluk en emoties: maakt streven naar geluk gelukkig? Keynote speech voor de Vlaamse Lerarendag 2014, georganiseerd door de KU Leuven.
Abstention as a Positive Psychology Intervention?
Zegers, H. (2014). Abstention as a Positive Psychology Intervention? Podium Presentation at the 7th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Amsterdam, July 1-4, 2014.
Dag van het Geluk
“Happiness Day” event with Gerbert Bakx, Jürgen Mettepenningen, Dirk De Wachter, Hein Zegers, Sabine Cocquyt, Kristof van Rossum, Piet Nijs.
2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology (Philadelphia)
2nd World Congress on Positive Psychology (Philadelphia, 2011. Presentation and co-organization of several events by Hein Zegers as a member of the SIPPA Steering Committee)
Keynote on EFPSA Conference in Borovice (Poland)
European Federation of Psychology Students’ Associations (EFPSA) Conference (Borovice, Polen, 2011, Keynote presentation on Positive Psychology by Hein Zegers)
Positieve Psychologie in Uitvoering
Nederlandse Werkconferentie Positieve Psychologie (2010, where Hein Zegers served as a co-moderator and a member of the steering committee).
Positive Psychology Interventions: A Cross-Cultural Exploratory Study.
Zegers, H. (2010). Positive Psychology Interventions: A Cross-Cultural Exploratory Study. Presentation on the 5th European Conference on Positive Psychology, Copenhagen, 2010.
Keynote International Congress of Applied Psychology
International Congress of Applied Psychology (Bruges, 2010, where Hein Zegers was Keynote speaker on Positive Psychology), organized by HOWEST.
Belgian Federation of Psychologists
Info day by the Belgische Federatie van Psychologen / Fédération Belge des Psychologues (Brussels, December 2009), with presentation by Hein Zegers on Positive Psychology.
First World Congress on Positive Psychology in Philadelphia
Zegers, H. (2009). What makes you happy? Looking for blind spots in happiness seekers … and researchers. Presentation on the First World Congress on Positive Psychology in Philadelphia (June 2009).
1st Dutch Positive Psychology Conference: Happiness Interventions @ Work
Hamburger, O., & Zegers, H. (2008). Happiness Interventions @ Work. First Positive Psychology conference in the Netherlands “Thoughts on Happiness” (November 2008).
4th European Conference on Positive Psychology in Croatia
4th European Conference on Positive Psychology in Croatia (July 2008) (participant).
Positive Psychology Summit 2007 Washington
Positive Psychology Summit 2007 Washington (as a participant from Europe, summit hosted by the Gallup Organization)
Positive Psychology Summit 2006 in Washington
Positive Psychology Summit 2006 Washington (as a participant from Europe, summit hosted by the Gallup Organization)